Thursday, January 13, 2011

forcing spring

today seems like a good day to bring a little spring in to the house.
let's trick mother nature a bit and force branches into bloom.

so today when your outside shoveling snow,  take a few minutes to look around the yard.  if there are newly fallen branches or some that are drooping from the snow weight, snip them and bring them in with you.
you'll be rewarded with spring blooms in a few weeks  and  in the meantime,  you can enjoy the sculptural art that natural branches create.

pussy willow and forsythia can be started now.

photo Straight from the Garden  with good tips for forcing

photo Heirloom Gardener     with a Calendar for forcing

 photo BHG  with calendar and instructions for forcing

a couple of tips to remember; 
try to cut the branches at the warmest time of the day  and  if the branches have already fallen, make a fresh, clean cut on them.
also, when reading through the garden catalogs and sketching your planting plan for spring,  pencil in early-flowering trees and shrubs.  next year you'll have even more branches to enjoy.

may the force be with you today ;)

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